Our Story


The Phir Story | Our Story

At The Phir Story we believe each outfit is a sum of hours of intricate labor, specialized craft, and eventually bought by the labor of your love and need. As such, it is often a shame to see them waste away in dark closet spaces. 

We aim to give your pieces a chance to complete their stories, while you make room to welcome new styles, trends, or occasions. 

The Phir Story platform is designed to allow our clients a chance to sell their gently used heritage wear. With sustainability as a principle element, we hope to create a cycle whereby the needs of the growing fashion world can be met without diminishing the well-being of both our local craftsmen and the environment. 

We welcome you to join us on this journey as we set out to recreate how Pakistani fashion is done, and challenge the subcontinent to re-wear clothes that are very often, pieces of art.